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Searches for statistical outliers in meta-analysis results generated by meta functions or the rma.uni in the metafor package.


find.outliers(x, ...)



Either (1) an object of class meta, generated by the metabin, metagen, metacont, metamean, metacor, metainc, metarate or metaprop function; or (2) and object of class rma.uni created with the rma.uni function in metafor.


Additional parameters for the rma.uni or update.meta function.


Returns the identified outliers and the meta-analysis results when the outliers are removed.

If the provided meta-analysis object is of class meta, the following objects are returned if the results of the function are saved to another object:

  • A numeric vector containing the names of the outlying studies when assuming a fixed-effect model.

  • A numeric vector containing the names of the outlying studies when assuming a random-effects model. The τ2 estimator method.tau is inherited from x.

  • m.fixed: An object of class meta containing the results of the meta-analysis with outliers removed (assuming a fixed-effect model).

  • m.random: An object of class meta containing the results of the meta-analysis with outliers removed (assuming a random-effects model, and using the same method.tau as in the original analysis).

If the provided meta-analysis object is of class rma.uni, the following objects are returned if the results of the function are saved to another object:

  • A numeric vector containing the names of the outlying studies.

  • m: An object of class rma.uni containing the results of the meta-analysis with outliers removed (using the same settings as in the meta-analysis object provided).


This function searches for outlying studies in a meta-analysis results object. Studies are defined as outliers when their 95% confidence interval lies ouside the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effect.

When outliers are found, the function automatically recalculates the meta-analysis results, using the same settings as in the object provided in x, but excluding the detected outliers.

A forest plot of the meta-analysis with outliers removed can be generated directly by plugging the output of the function into the forest function.


Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T.A, & Ebert, D. D. (2019). Doing Meta-Analysis in R: A Hands-on Guide. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2551803. Chapter 6.2


Mathias Harrer & David Daniel Ebert


if (FALSE) {

# Pool with meta
m1 <- metagen(TE, seTE, data = ThirdWave,
              studlab = ThirdWave$Author, common = FALSE)

# Pool with metafor
m2 <- rma(yi = TE, sei = seTE, data = ThirdWave,
          slab = ThirdWave$Author, method = "PM")

# Find outliers
fo1 <- find.outliers(m1)
fo2 <- find.outliers(m2)

# Show summary

# Make forest plot
# Pass additional arguments from meta & metafor's forest function
forest(fo1, prediction = TRUE)
forest(fo2, cex = .8, col = "lightblue")